Beat the Heat with Heat Resistant Gummies

There’s nothing worse than getting into your car after a long day, reaching for your gummies and finding a puddle of melted goo that used to resemble a cute little bear. But you know what they say, not all gummies are created equal. So why do some gummies melt while others maintain their shape perfectly? Well, it depends on what they're made of! 

Gelatin gummies are delightful treats that combine the chewy texture of gummies with a wide range of flavors and shapes. What makes them particularly interesting is their thermoreversible nature, attributed to the properties of gelatin. Gelatin is a protein derived from collagen, commonly found in animal tissues. When heated, gelatin molecules unwind and disperse in liquid, allowing for easy mixing and molding into various shapes. As the mixture cools, the gelatin chains re-form, creating a solid, resilient structure that gives gummies their signature chewiness. This reversible process allows for the gummies to maintain their shape and texture under normal conditions, but they will melt and lose their form if subjected to higher temperatures. So make sure to always keep them in a cool place! Click the link below to check out our Gelatin Gummy Formula!

Gelatin Gummy Formula

Pectin gummies are a popular alternative to traditional gelatin-based gummies, known for their remarkable ability to resist melting even under higher temperatures.This resilience is owed to the natural properties of pectin, a soluble fiber found in fruits, particularly in their skins and peels. Unlike gelatin, pectin gummies remain stable and maintain their shape when exposed to heat. This is due to the way pectin molecules form a gel network. As the gummy mixture is heated, pectin molecules bond together to create a stable structure that retains its integrity even in warm conditions. So don’t worry about accidentally leaving these bad boys in the car, they’ll be just fine! Click the link below to check out our Pectin Gummy Formula!

Pectin Gummy Formula

If you’re looking for something with a higher heat resistance but still deliciously chewy then our hybrid formula is the perfect sweet spot for you. It contains both gelatin and pectin allowing for a higher melting point while still maintaining its texture and chewiness. 

Hybrid Gummy Formula

Interested in learning more? Check out our Instagram and Tiktok accounts to watch the heat resistance study we performed here at Endose or send us a message with your questions! 




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How To Get Started With Gummy Formulation